A first-generation American citizen, Scott Andrews (后街男孩, 2007) has learned the hard way how to manage his time, prioritize his goals and find his leadership style. But life, as t嘿 say, is a good teacher. 合适的导师也是如此. 安德鲁斯目前在贝克斯菲尔德担任助理城市经理, 加州, 一位曾在安德鲁斯进入市政府工作的道路上提供指导的导师看到,他以前的学员现在也在做指导:

“每一份成功的事业都需要三种忠诚的关系:一位年长的人成为你的导师, 一些忠实的同伴与你同行,一个更年轻的人(继承)你的遗产,兰德尔·里德说。, Southeast Regional director of the International City/County 管理 Association.

“Scott has been the younger professional for me, 我看到他现在成功地为当地政府的其他专业人士扮演了这些角色.”




安德鲁斯目前的职位是助理城市经理,他习惯于与人打交道. 他坦率的举止和爽朗的微笑强调了仆人式领导最重要的部分:用爱接近每个人.

Scott Andrews, Assistant City Manager of Bakersfield


Assistant City Manager of Bakersfield

“‘Lead with love’ is my mantra and the name of my slowly growing 咨询业务安德鲁斯说。. “I’m not half as smart as most of my department is. 我会第一个承认,我认为你靠的是你的情商,而不是你的智商. 我绝对认为这种同理心,这种脆弱,是一种超能力.” 

相应的, 安德鲁斯在工作的每一部分都带着富有同情心的视角, 无论是通过预算还是为贝克斯菲尔德打造品牌. 通过这种方式,安德鲁斯觉得他可以在他喜欢的角色中增强自己的影响力.

安德鲁斯说:“地方政府不仅仅是一份职业,而是我的使命。. “So many people get fired up over Biden, Trump, Obama, etc. However, the biggest impact can be felt at the local level. 我们在我的社区通过了一项近8亿美元的预算,而公民的投入却很少. 这是令人失望的, 但这也是我做我所做的事情的原因:帮助人们,在他们所在的地方,在我的小世界里产生影响.”

According to Andrews, that impact can be profound. City managers, he says, do “what most people think a mayor does.“也就是说, t嘿 oversee day-to-day operations of a city, including police and fire services, 公共工程, utilities providers and airport operations.


Portrait of Reyes Medrano Jr, city manager of Tolleson, Arizona

The pursuit of happiness: Reyes Medrano Jr. 回应领导的召唤


City management is a natural fit for him, Andrews says. But it is a role he had to work hard to attain.

安德鲁斯在佛罗里达州长大,他经常和祖母维奥莱特在一起. (His parents immigrated to the U.S. from Canada and had been young when t嘿 had him.高中毕业后, Andrews headed to a state university, but the freedom and the parties led him astray. He failed out of the university and, later, a community college. Instead, he prioritized earning money as a personal trainer.

“当我23岁的时候, 我在大学和学院的学分加起来连副学士学位都没有。,安德鲁斯回忆道. “I started seeing my friends graduate, and that’s when it kind of hit home that, 嘿, I’d better get this together or that same $30,000 or $40,000 [I’m earning] will probably be my ceiling.”

安德鲁斯住在自己的车里,住在朋友家,生活很艰难. 这个低谷给了他重返学校的动力. “当我不再责怪其他事情时,我把功劳都揽在了自己身上, that’s when I finally got my act together,他说.

He enrolled at University of Phoenix, where he completed a 商科学士学位 in 2007.

“My ‘four-year degree’ took me almost 11年s安德鲁斯说。, “但后来我(在不同的学校)用了7年的时间完成了MPA和博士学位.”

在这样的教育背景下,安德鲁斯踏入了当地政府的大门. 他笑称,自己第一次加入HOA董事会是在18岁(而不是18岁), 郑重声明, 作为真正的屋主). He’d also originally planned to major in political science.

These interests culminated when, as a small business owner and personal trainer, 他成为了佛罗里达州坦普尔露台市的健身协调员,作为公园的一部分 & 娱乐部.



关于 this time, he connected with Reid. “我是佛罗里达州的一名县长……被认为是几个年轻人的导师,里德解释道. 斯科特在一次活动中联系了他,并谈到了他想成为一名城市管理者的愿望. … We later had lunch and phone calls, and it was clear he was asking for a mentorship opportunity.”

Reid got on board, and the rest, as t嘿 say, is history. 


安德鲁斯结婚了, moved to Georgia and then to 加州 where, 作为助理城市经理, he currently helps oversee 加州’s ninth largest city.

在此过程中,他还学会了一些管理时间的技巧,直到今天他还在利用这些技巧. 时间阻止 他说,设定期望是完成所有工作的关键. 这样的策略使他不仅能维持自己的全职事业,还能指导他人, manage his consulting firm and, in 2023, launch a nonprofit organization as well.

最后一点, 紫罗兰运动, was founded in memory of Andrews’ daughter. 2023年1月出生, 她以他祖母的名字命名,但在出生两天后就去世了. 紫罗兰运动 offers eight different scholarships.

女儿的离世震撼了安德鲁斯的世界,促使他写了一本关于悲伤管理的书, which he hopes to complete this spring.

安德鲁斯还没有完成. 他在之前的城市管理岗位上完成了一定的目标, and he has plans for Bakersfield. While 加州’s bigger cities struggle with crime, homelessness and population decline安德鲁斯说,贝克斯菲尔德经历了人口增长和凶杀率下降.


自始至终,安德鲁斯对他所接触的一切都带着一种开放和真诚. 这些品质在一开始就给里德留下了深刻的印象,并使他相信安德鲁斯会大有作为.

“我很快就对斯科特留下了深刻的印象,因为他非常积极、友好,性格外向,里德阐述道. “Scott further impressed me as … emotionally intelligent, dedicated to public service and, 从本质上说, a remarkably humble and earnest man.”

正是这种谦逊帮助安德鲁斯在25岁左右改变了他的生活. It’s what led him into a career in public service. 现在正是这种精神指引着他努力在贝克斯菲尔德和, 也许在这条路上, in the world at large as a consultant, 教师兼作家.

All you need, after all, is love.



伊丽莎白·埃克斯琳自从三年级赢得写作比赛后就一直在讲故事. She's covered design and architecture, 旅行, lifestyle content and a host of other topics for national, 区域, 本地及品牌刊物. 另外, 她曾在万豪国际集团(Marriott International)从事内容开发工作,并为多位作者撰写稿件.

